June 28, 2010

Before & After {Grandma's Desk}

Yay! My first before and after. A while ago I posted a teaser called Weekend Warrior that showed the beginning of this makeover. While I finished it that weekend, I have been lazy and am just getting around to showing you the final results. After a little delay...here's the final product.

It's amazing what a girl can do with some paint from Lowes, mod podge, wrapping paper from Border's, and a stencil from Hobby Lobby

The paint was supposed to be waaaay more coral-ish {a lot more pink!} Oh well, I still like it. I don't think I'll be getting Valspar paint again tho. I wasn't really happy with the coverage... I think I ended up doing 4 coats of paint! I like Behr much better and will be sticking with that. 

I think it turned out well and it's definitely a great jumping off point for my future before & afters. What do you think? I'd love to see your own before & after's if you have any. :) 


Music Monday: Nick Drake

It's official... Summer is here! Summer is a magical time of year. There is such beauty in simple things. Like dangling my arm out the car window while the warm night air tickles my fingertips or forgetting that it's 9:45pm because it's still light outside. I can't get enough. And watermelon. The heat is worth it...just for the watermelon. 

Several years ago I saw this commercial...

I loved it! Not only did it convey my idea of summer perfectly, but I also fell in love with the song. I found out later that it was a song called Pink Moon by Nick Drake. I also found that I really liked his other music as well. It's the perfect soundtrack to summer! There's nothing better than laying on the ground in an empty mountain top parking lot star gazing while Nick Drake fills the night air with delicious melodies.

While Pink Moon is an awesome song and one of my all time favorites,  From the Morning is perfect for summer {just check out the lyrics} and, of course, another great tune from Drake.  I don't think he ever made any videos {they didn't do that in the seventies, did they?} So I made a slide show with some of my photographs that capture the feelings of summer. I hope you enjoy...

Artist: Nick Drake
Album: Pink Moon
Song: From the Morning
Photos by Marianne Bay Photography

So...What did you think?

June 26, 2010


So we have this random pot of succulents out in our backyard. I've read that succulents are super easy to take care of and that you can basically put them in some dirt and they will grow roots. So I thought, hey, why not give it a try?

I found this basic glass bowl at a garage sale for only 10 cents and thought it would be perfect.
I put some rocks in the bottom for drainage and then some dirt from the yard...
Then I pulled up a couple of the succulents from the yard and put them in the prepared bowl
I also found some vintage glass bottles for super cheap and decided they would work well to add to my "indoor succulent garden."

I put them all on my window sill and, voila! Instant succulent cuteness all day long. Now I just have to see if they stay alive. Here's hoping.


June 22, 2010

Thrifty Treasures

Since I've moved to Indiana I have started going to a lot of antique stores. Most of them are super cheap. {I'm used to ll the California prices.} Just recently I started going to garage, barn, estate sales, and thrift stores. The stuff there is even cheaper! I have found tons of cool stuff for hardly any money. I have even been inspired to try and start up my own little company where I find battered vintage furniture and things, redo them, and resell them. I m very excited to see what I can accomplish.

Here are some of my treasures I have found so far...these are all for me to keep cause I love them so much.

Ashtray: $0.50 {yard sale}

Vintage Hats: $6.50/$7.00 & Hat Stand: $5.00 {Markle Antique Mall in Markle, IN}

Assorted Glass Bottles $0.50 to $1.00 {barn sale}

Glass Pitcher: $0.50 & Silver Compote: $1.00 {garage sale}

6 Yards of Fabric: $6.00 {garage sale} & White Glass Vase $0.25 {barn sale}


Music Monday: Fanfarlo

For this weeks music I have chosen Harold T. Wilkins by Fanfarlo. There's no connection between this song and my life, I am simply in love with this band! It was hard for me to choose a song from their "Reservoir" album, they are all so good.

So without further ado...I give you Fanfarlo!


June 18, 2010

Able & Game

A while back I was browsing around Etsy and found the most rad card and stationary shop ever!  Able & Game are "quirky and cute rather than cliche and predictable."

'Hipsters Geeks Lovers' and 'Birds and Little Shoes' are my two favorite categories. And of course they have categories that include birthday, father's day, weddings, etc. It may be a little too late to order for this Father's Day...but you could always order early for next year.

All of their cards are irresistible! Here are some of my favorites...

 What are you waiting for? Pop on over to the Able & Game shop and start shopping!  Who can resist their pleasantly off beat talents?

June 14, 2010

Music Monday: Neon Trees

I think Monday's are becoming my  favorite day of the week. At least for blogging anyway. I don't know about you, but I'm kinda loving this whole 'Music Monday' thing. I get to share my love of music, expose you to some possibly new bands that I hope you enjoy, and I get to ponder how the current song relates to my life. It's fun, for me anyway.  I hope it's fun for you too.

So, I have a little confession... I find most of my music from Live105's 'Radio Soundcheck' that plays on Sundays at 7pm {PST} to 10pm. When I lived in the Bay Area {California}, Live105 was my absolute favorite radio station {still is} and Soundcheck is the thing I love the most about it. It's 3 hours packed full of new music, new and local {ex. The Lovemakers from Oakland} bands, all hosted by the fabulous Aaron Axelsen.  I've discovered some of my favorite bands on Soundcheck:  New Young Pony Club, Metric, The Bird and the Bee, Fanfarlo...I could go on forever. 

I must admit, many times I forget that Soundcheck is on. But Aaron always posts his play lists {in real time} on the Soundcheck site.  I just stop by there every once in a while and check out the list and listen to the songs on iLike.com or Youtube to see what I like. I've actually gotten pretty good about telling if I like the song with in the first couple of seconds. I am constantly craving new music so it works out splendidly for me.

Artist: Neon Trees
Album: Habits
Song: Animal

{discovered on Soundcheck, of course.}

{See the "official" video here. I picked this version cause it's more summery.}

I chose this song for two reasons:

1. It's catchy, and I love it!


The way they mirror my thoughts about and old Boyfriend is freakishly eerie. {NOT the guy who was mentioned in last weeks M.M.} I adore the lyric "take a bite of my heart tonight."  I think the lyrics speak for themselves, so I won't go into details about my whole "relationship" with said boy. I hope you enjoy the song. And who knows? Maybe Neon Trees will be one of your new favorite bands.


June 9, 2010

Creative Boot Camp

On Sunday I started Creativity Boot Camp. It's a {free!} two week intensive e-course designed to take your creativity to the next level. The course is designed by Maegan Beishline who has an awesome blog called Life set to Words. In addition to having prompts each day that you express through your choice of artistic medium, there are also journal prompts.

While I have faithfully done my photography {my chosen medium} for the day, I have been a little slow on the completing the journal prompts. We are now on Day 4 and I have just completed Days 1 and 2 journals. Day 1 was a letter to be written to our future selves as if we had already finished the course. I won't post that here {it's just for future me!} but I thought I would post the Day 2's journal...and maybe more in the future, we'll see.

If you would like to see my photographs from each day you can mosey on over to my Flikr and take a peek.

CBC Journal Prompt

Day 2 Prompt:  Do you shy away from calling yourself an artist? If so, what do you think makes someone else an artist and not you? What are some ways that you can start today to outwardly reflect your inner artist? Name three people who you would be comfortable sharing your creative work and projects with.

My response:

"An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one." ~Charles Horton Cooley

For some reason after I read this quote, I actually felt, for the first time, that I was an artist.  Before I would always think to myself  "I wish I was a photographer, {an artist}" But then I realized something: I don't have to have some fancy-schmancy job as a photo editor or a Cinematographer to be an artist. I don't even have to have a job at all. I will still be an artist. Being an artist isn't characterized by what kind of job, education, or degrees you may have. If you believe in yourself and believe in what you create, that is all that matters. You simply are.

Until recently when I would get complimented on my photography I would always graciously say "thank you." But in my head i would be thinking "Yeah...it may be good and you may like it, but anyone could do it. It's easy." And I would just brush that compliment right off. It's not that I thought people were being insincere, it was that in I didn't even believe in my own artistry.

The truth I have come to realize is that what I was thinking was wrong. Not just anyone can create photographs like I can. And no one sees quite the same thing i do when I look through the lens. Sure, anyone can pick up a camera and stat shooting, but even if there's hundreds of people photographing the exact same thing, none of them will have the same photographs as I do. I have come to believe in not only my art, but in myself. And without even realizing it, I have found this has made me a much stronger photographer as well as a much more confident person in general.

What exactly makes me an artist? Or anyone for that matter? That's hard to put into words. We are artists because we see things in a different way than others. We see inspiration in the world around us and create things are beautiful. Fortunately most of us know a few others that agree with the beauty we have created. But even if no one else thought it was beautiful, we would all still be artists because we created something meaningful {and beautiful} to ourselves. Having others accept your work just an {awesome} added bonus.

As far as three people I would be comfortable sharing my creative works with? Everyone. Even when I didn't truly believe in myself as an artist, I still liked showing off my work. I was/am proud of it. But it was like I was trying to gain approval from the outside world and wait for them to tell me I was an artist. But I have learned it has to come from within myself, I have to believe it. If I don't, why should anyone else?

One person I really enjoy sharing my work with is my big sis, Jessica. She, herself is an artist, in many shapes and forms. Her taste in everything is amazing! I always love what she comes up with. Whether it be how she has decorated her apartment to her awesome business ideas... the list goes on and on. I am always amazed when the 'theme', shall we say, she is into during a certain month blows up into the mainstream a few months later. She always ahead of everything! So when she likes something I have done, it's extra special. Not just because she is my big sis, but because she is a fellow artist with and amazing eye. I hope she considers herself to be an artist because I certainly do.

Outwardly reflecting my inner artist? I think I already do that. In a way, I have turned myself into a living canvas. I am constantly cutting my own hair, as well as changing the color. Today it is red-ish with a big purple streak. Tomorrow, who knows?

Recently i let my body be the canvas for another artist. A tattoo artist. Tattoos are art too, people! They are beautiful and I was so happy to be able to let a great artist create something on my body. Not only does it show off her artistry, but at the same time it let me be creative by coming up with the concept {a pin-up sitting on a 1955 sedan delivery with some hibiscus added in} and it let me show my appreciation for other artists as well. I love it and cannot wait until I can save up the dough to have it filled in.

I am an artist. Are you?


Here's one of the photographs that was a result of the word prompt: Picnic

I really like this one because I think it looks like and ad in  magazine or something.  Don't for get to check out my other photos from this prompt and the others over on Flikr. You can also check out the other participants art in the CBC Flikr Group. There really is some great work worth seeing.


June 7, 2010

Music Monday: Camera Obscura

Relationships. Relationships are fun aren't they? {That's what I like to call sarcasm} Now here's something that is fun:  Hindsight. I get to look back on all the wonderful mistakes I've have made throughout a relationship and ask myself: "Why was I so stupid?" Oh, that's right, love makes people act a fool. Who cares if your friends hate your boyfriend, you love him, right?  So he has like a gazillion cute female friends whom he admits he flirts with and thinks it's okay, I'm the one he really loves, right?  So what if I act like a helpless girl who can't do anything for herself while I'm around him? That's what boyfriends are for right?


If you have a sneaking suspicion that your partner doesn't actually know the "real" you, you're probably right. It's not that you try to fool them into thinking you're someone else...it's just that you actually are someone else when you are with them. Sometimes while in a relationship, one shuts their eyes to the world around them and sees things they way one wants to, not they way things really are. It's only after the relationship ends and we fall out of love that we see the light... Of course my friends hated him, he was a complete jerk to them. A little flirting is fine. Key word LITTLE. This does NOT include letting said cute female friends sleep in your bed so you guys can stay warm. {wtf?} Of course I act like a damsel in distress around him, that is how he treated me.

Hindsight has helped me to realize these things. And, the best part of all, learn from them. So while looking back on that past relationship I would like to think it was a complete waste of time, but I have to remind myself, it wasn't. It was a lesson of life. Without it, I would just make the same dumb mistakes in future relationships.  And as for the whole turning in to someone I wasn't thing? That has already started to change as I get to know myself a little better. I am realizing that who I already am {and who I am becoming} is pretty amazing. There's no reason to unconsciously morph into a lesser version of myself.  And finding someone to compliment me would be great, but if not, I have to know that I am awesome all by myself.

So here's to you, past relationship! I may not have been able to see past my own nose while I was in you, and as a result, ended up heartbroken {for a short while}. But because of you, a smarter, happier, more self confident, lovely woman has emerged.

Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken by Camera Obscura 

I have one word for this song: Perfection.


June 5, 2010

Weekend Warrior

I'm working on a fun {kind of tiring} furniture makeover project this weekend. It's not finished yet but I thought I'd post a little "sneak peek". I'll make sure to post pics and the story as soon as I finish. It's gonna be gorgeous {I think}.

June 3, 2010

In the Bedroom

Just wanted to share a {rare} glimpse into the environment in which I surround myself. {My room}  I really try to fill the space with things that are beautiful to me, that I absolutely love.  I NEVER make my bed and there are ALWAYS clothes on the floor. Save for the one to two days after I have actually tidied up. That's just me, and always will be.

I spend a lot of time in my room. It's the one place in the house where I actually feel "at home" even though I still consider my home to be in California. I recently took a 3 1/2 week long visit back home. Towards the end of the trip I actually found myself missing my room. And my bed. I longed to just plop down on the mattress and be encompassed by the cheerful turquoise of the walls. 

It's all mine. And I love it.

June 2, 2010

Music Monday: Owl City

Okay, so I know it's not Monday. But I have a {pretty} good excuse. I promise. But I won't get into that, it's really not exciting. At all.

Since I moved to Indiana there has been one thing I have been looking forward to {besides moving back to California}... Fireflies a.k.a Lightning Bugs. You may think that is strange, but I think fireflies are so cool!

I've been waiting and waiting...and finally Monday evening, one popped up. Just one. Luckily, the next night there were a few more to keep the lonesome little guy company. They were all fluttering around the neighbor's tree. Hopefully as Summer progresses there will be more and more. I really want to catch {and release} some. They would be fun to photograph.

So, in honor of the "Firefly Arrival," I have chosen a song by Owl City for this week's video. As much as tried not to like this song, {because I am a complete music snob}, I have to admit, it grew on me. How can I not like a song about Fireflies?

Listening suggestions:

1. Don't let the 'pop sugary-ness' get to you.

2. Try to forgive the Auto-tuning.

3. And please forgive that this band is basically a bad impersonation of The Postal Service... it is the sincerest form of flattery...

4. Forget everything I just said. Don't be a snob. It's just music, right?

Fireflies by Owl City.