June 2, 2010

Music Monday: Owl City

Okay, so I know it's not Monday. But I have a {pretty} good excuse. I promise. But I won't get into that, it's really not exciting. At all.

Since I moved to Indiana there has been one thing I have been looking forward to {besides moving back to California}... Fireflies a.k.a Lightning Bugs. You may think that is strange, but I think fireflies are so cool!

I've been waiting and waiting...and finally Monday evening, one popped up. Just one. Luckily, the next night there were a few more to keep the lonesome little guy company. They were all fluttering around the neighbor's tree. Hopefully as Summer progresses there will be more and more. I really want to catch {and release} some. They would be fun to photograph.

So, in honor of the "Firefly Arrival," I have chosen a song by Owl City for this week's video. As much as tried not to like this song, {because I am a complete music snob}, I have to admit, it grew on me. How can I not like a song about Fireflies?

Listening suggestions:

1. Don't let the 'pop sugary-ness' get to you.

2. Try to forgive the Auto-tuning.

3. And please forgive that this band is basically a bad impersonation of The Postal Service... it is the sincerest form of flattery...

4. Forget everything I just said. Don't be a snob. It's just music, right?

Fireflies by Owl City.

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