June 14, 2010

Music Monday: Neon Trees

I think Monday's are becoming my  favorite day of the week. At least for blogging anyway. I don't know about you, but I'm kinda loving this whole 'Music Monday' thing. I get to share my love of music, expose you to some possibly new bands that I hope you enjoy, and I get to ponder how the current song relates to my life. It's fun, for me anyway.  I hope it's fun for you too.

So, I have a little confession... I find most of my music from Live105's 'Radio Soundcheck' that plays on Sundays at 7pm {PST} to 10pm. When I lived in the Bay Area {California}, Live105 was my absolute favorite radio station {still is} and Soundcheck is the thing I love the most about it. It's 3 hours packed full of new music, new and local {ex. The Lovemakers from Oakland} bands, all hosted by the fabulous Aaron Axelsen.  I've discovered some of my favorite bands on Soundcheck:  New Young Pony Club, Metric, The Bird and the Bee, Fanfarlo...I could go on forever. 

I must admit, many times I forget that Soundcheck is on. But Aaron always posts his play lists {in real time} on the Soundcheck site.  I just stop by there every once in a while and check out the list and listen to the songs on iLike.com or Youtube to see what I like. I've actually gotten pretty good about telling if I like the song with in the first couple of seconds. I am constantly craving new music so it works out splendidly for me.

Artist: Neon Trees
Album: Habits
Song: Animal

{discovered on Soundcheck, of course.}

{See the "official" video here. I picked this version cause it's more summery.}

I chose this song for two reasons:

1. It's catchy, and I love it!


The way they mirror my thoughts about and old Boyfriend is freakishly eerie. {NOT the guy who was mentioned in last weeks M.M.} I adore the lyric "take a bite of my heart tonight."  I think the lyrics speak for themselves, so I won't go into details about my whole "relationship" with said boy. I hope you enjoy the song. And who knows? Maybe Neon Trees will be one of your new favorite bands.


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