September 28, 2010

Music Monday: How To Destroy Angels

I am so excited about this weeks band/song! I've been trying to find new music that I love, instead of just kind of liking, but to no avail. Luckily, I asked a friend if he had heard any new music he thought I might like. He suggested How To Destroy Angels. He got it so right!!! I watched the video for The Space in Between and absolutely loved everything; the song, the video, the singer, everything! If I had to describe it in one word it would be SEXY.

How To Destroy Angels features Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor,  {that's him on the floor in the video} his wife Mariqueen Maandig {super gorgeous!} and Atticus Ross. It basically sounds like a sexier version of NIN with female vocals. I LOVE it! AND you can download the full 6 song EP for FREE! Yes, FREE!

I realize that everyone might not be into NIN but if you are, I think you will love this as much as I do. And if you are not familiar with NIN give it a try. You can listen to the entire cataloug of songs {here}.


Album: EP {2010}
Song: The Space in Between

September 22, 2010


Last night, I went to go sing karaoke at Piere's {in Fort Wayne}. The stage is up really high so there are stairs. On my way back down the stairs after singing my fifth song I took a bad step on the last stair. My ankle twisted and I fell to my knees. OUCH! At least I didn't fall flat on my face.

I think it's a safe assumption that I definitely sprained my ankle. Just look at it. And who knew crutches are so hard to use?

Other than that, the night was awesome. I met some cool people and got to sing a lot, so it wasn't a total bummer.

September 20, 2010

Music Monday: Les Savy Fav... plus Bonus track by Best Coast.

Artist: Les Savy Fav
Album: Root For Ruin {2010}

And just cause I slacked off last week and didn't post any music, here's another song from the band, Best Coast {featured on another Music Monday} I think most of us have felt this way about someone at some point in our lives... I know I have.

Artist: Best Coast
Album: Crazy For You {2010}
Song: Boyfriend

September 6, 2010

Music Monday: Unicycle Loves You

This is just a quick post today because I need to go pack for a little road trip I'm taking with a couple friends to Ohio.

I really like the video for the song Mirror Mirror by Unicycle Loves You {Chicago, IL}. I like the song too, of course, but when I was thinking of what band to put on here this week, I remembered the video and, well, here we are. I hope you like it. Definitely check this band out. This song is from their sophomore album that drops today, {9.7.10}. Total coincidence.

Artist: Unicycle Loves You

If you like their stuff, you can listen to more of their songs on their site.

September 1, 2010

Make Your Own Blog Header!

Hi guys! I've had some inquiries about how I made the new header for my blog. So I decided to do a tutorial. I'll show you how I made mine, but you can use the same basic steps to create your own, personalized header for your blog. 

This is my first tutorial, so hopefully it's not too hard to follow.

I am using Photoshop CS5, but I believe you can basically do the same thing using Gimp {it's like Photoshop, but it's free!}