May 19, 2009

I Will Miss This

At the end of June I will be moving back to Petaluma so I can go to school and study Graphic Design. I will definitely miss the beautiful sunsets. Especially during the summer, the sunsets are amazing!
Perhaps I will enjoy the sunset more when I can afford to pay for it.

May 18, 2009

Still Bored Enough to Blog About Food

I'm still running out of food. Luckily I found some bratwurst in the freezer that no one claimed. Who knows how old it is. I popped it in the toaster oven, added some yellow mustard and Hungarian Pepper relish I've had since Christmas.

Delicious lunch is served. It was pretty yummy.

May 15, 2009

Shoe Box Art

Recently I've been itching to paint. I haven't painted in years. I still have my acrylic paints from my stint at SRJC studying art but no canvas or any type of media to paint on. So I used the top of a shoe box. Whatever works, right?

I fell in love with a card that I made a friends mom for mother's day so I decided to use that same idea for my painting. I love how it turned out.

May 14, 2009

Dinner on a Budget*

* No money for the grocery store, so I have to be creative.

Money is always tight for me and there are times (when rent is due) that I basically run out of food and money at the same time. That time has come.
All I have in the cupboard is Mac & Cheese, but with no milk, that's a no-go.
Girl: meet improvisational cooking.
What can I make with a sack of sprouting potatoes? Amazing twice baked potatoes, that's what! Luckily I found some spicy Italian sausage hiding in the fridge. Mix that with roasted garlic, Parmesan cheese, leftover Rice-a-Roni, butter, and a little Salt and Pepper and I had the most delicious baked potatoes ever.

I think the best meals I eat are the ones when I have 'no food' and have to be creative. Yum!
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Blog Virgin

Okay. So I'm popping my blogging cherry.

After being without a car for over a year and basically being trapped in my apartment, I've been getting pretty bored. I've decided to start this blog to keep myself entertained. Now I have to decide what exactly to blog about. My boredom, my laziness, my hobbies, or lack there of, my (pathetic) life? Maybe a little of everything. I guess we''l have to wait and see.