Yeah Yeah Yeahs are my favorite band ever! Karen O is my idol. I just downloaded "Date With the Night" {from their debut album Fever To Tell, 2003} to play on Rock Band. I just keep playing it over and over and over... It's a really fun song to get crazy with.
Band: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Album: Fever to Tell {2003}
Song: Date With the Night
I adore this little tune, 5 Years Time by Noah and the Whale. It really is true. You really never know what will happen in your relationships with the people you may know. I had a friend for about 10 years. I thought we would be friends for always, but that ended over one bad decision {on my part}. Honestly I think it ended long before that.
It's kind of sad. You think you know someone and then in the blink of an eye they can turn out to be someone completely different. I guess you just have to take it one day at a time. Have fun in the moment. And if that friendship one day comes to an end, remember the fun you had and don't get hung up on the other stuff. It's hard, I admit, but in time you can move on. I will move on.
Artist: Noah and the Whale
Song: 5 Years Time
Album: Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down
I totally forgot it was Monday! Oops. And when it came to picking a song for today's M.M I was stumped. Until I remembered...
On Friday I was up into the wee hours of the morning painting my newly built bathroom {before & after coming soon} with iTunes on shuffle. I have tons and tons of music on there. So much that I haven't even listened to all of it. I have a bad habit of finding a band i like, downloading their album{s} and then just listening to the songs I already know. Or completely ignoring the whole album cause I'm listening to a different one over and over.
I was painting away and a song I didn't recognize caught my attention. As soon as I heard that it was sort of a duet I was hooked. I love songs with both male and female voices. "What band is this?" It was The Big Pink'sA Brief History of Love. While I was familiar with other songs from this band {Dominos and Velvet listen here} This song is a little more slow and almost depressing than the others, but I like it. I do tend to like songs with that vibe anyway... That in addition to the 'duet' has me hooked. I really, really, like it.
Artist: The Big Pink
Album: A Brief History of Love
Song: A Brief History of Love